687 Marietta Highway, Canton, Georgia 30114

Tag Archives: COVID-19

Lenders Suspend Home Foreclosures Due to COVID-19, But What Happens Next?

  Many large financial institutions are suspending foreclosures because of the massive economic damage caused by COVID-19. Some banks have stopped proceedings indefinitely. Others have set time limits for foreclosure suspensions such as 60 or 90 days. Even as health and financial issues remain uncertain, this is a good time for homeowners to take stock […]

Complying with Corporate Annual Meeting Requirements during the COVID-19 Quarantine

  How do you hold a corporate annual meeting when the entire country is in lockdown? On the surface, it might seem like a simple matter of using a favorite video conferencing tool and perhaps checking to see if it’s been hacked. Annual meetings for corporations are more than get-togethers. They are legally mandated proceedings […]

How Can I Create Estate Planning Documents During the Pandemic?

  Even in its first few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic caused many people to examine or reassess what is most important to them. The need to prepare in case of an emergency or untimely death has been highlighted by the tragic losses occurring around the country. What can you do if you can’t meet with […]

How Stay at Home Orders Are Affecting Real Estate Transactions

  Purchasing a home is both an exciting milestone and an extremely stressful event. Even when things are running normally in the United States, people who are buying a property must deal with numerous moving parts and expenses. With nearly every facet of our lives upended by the global COVID-19 pandemic, prospective owners are faced […]

Key Aspects of the CARES Act Provisions Authorizing Small Business Loans

  Small business owners are necessarily prepared for various types of challenges, but what do you do when the government orders you to close for an indefinite amount of time? Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has put millions in this very difficult position. Even worse, it is still unclear in many places when authorities will allow […]

What Advance Medical Directives Should I Have in Place If I’m Concerned About COVID-19?  

  Though it’s always been true, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven home the point that a debilitating medical condition can strike without warning. Whether you’re fighting the coronavirus or are incapacitated for some other reason, your wishes regarding medical treatment should be honored by family members and healthcare providers. An experienced attorney can help you […]

How Will Coronavirus Affect Contractual Relationships and Obligations?

    The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted practically every aspect of American life. Whether closed by government order or by concerns about public safety, millions of businesses around the country have seen their operations come to a halt. Despite the overwhelming effect of COVID-19, it is not a certainty that an “Act of God” clause […]

Understanding How COVID-19 May Have Affected the Value of Your Estate

  The economic and personal upheaval triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak is likely to warrant a review of your estate plan, no matter how thorough you think it is. As Americans cope with health fears and financial volatility, it’s worthwhile to determine whether a will, trust, advance medical directive or other legal instrument needs to […]


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